NReach Program
“Together We Can Transform Communities”
India is a rapidly growing country with one of the largest youth population in the world. According to the 2011 Census data, 50% of the population is below 25 years of age. It is expected that in 2020, the average age of Indians will be 29 years.
Being a country with such a large young population, it is crucial to provide appropriate skills to our youth that will enable them to provide for the future. To achieve this goal, NIIT Foundation has been working on empowering youth through its various projects. One such initiative is the NReach Program.
Under the NReach program, NIIT Foundation is building the capacity of partner NGOs who are working on providing training and education opportunities to underprilividged youth across the country. Through NReach, NIIT has partnered with more than 200 NGOs and is equipping them with all the necessary support to implement quality programmes that will benefit our youth.Faculity training, curriculum, assesments and industry recognized certification are some of the key offerings being provided to the partner organization.
To become a partner under NReach, there is a detailed selection process that takes place post which the partners enter into an agreement with NIIT Foundation. Training is provided to the faculty post which the mapped courseware is shared. There are different courseware models that are being offered and can be selected depending on the partner and beneficiary requirements and profile. These include skill training courses, career courses, digital literacy and financial literacy courses and school IT Lab program.
How to Become A Partner:
Regular handholding and follow up support is provided to the partner NGO.
A unique feature of the program is that it provides an online face to face career session for the beneficiaries followed by an assessment and certification through an online portal. NIIT Foundation also provides centre set up, monitoring support, technical and faculty support.
Partners and the students have benefitted from this partnership, as it is providing consistent structured training, placement opportunities, certification etc. Some of our key partners include SOS Children’s Village of India, Kotak Education Foundation, National Federation of Blind and many more. We have partnerships with niche NGOs that may be focusing on specific geographies or areas such as – Adharshila, Fena Foundation, Sleepwell Foundation, Miracle Foundation, Lotus Petal Foundation etc.

What NIIT Foundation offers
- Train the Trainer Program
- Certification to the Trainer
- Quality Packaged Courseware on Basic IT
- Trainer Guide for Basic IT course
- Certification to the Students
How does NReach work
- Identify and select the NGO
- Sign MOU with the selected NGO
- Training and Certification for the faculty
- Formation of the batch of students
- Delivery of the mapped courseware
- Internal assessment and Attendance
- Final assessment & certification
Benefits for the partner NGOs
- Association with NIIT Foundation
- Consistency of training delivery
- Training and Certification for faculty & students
- Placement assistance wherever required
- Branding and Exposure
NReach program is a win-win engagement for both NIIT Foundation and the partner Ngo. The NGO partner gains with trained faculty, standardised courseware, proctored assessment, industry recognised NIIT Foundation certificate and an opportunity to submit joint proposals to funders. The partnership enables NIIT Foundation to have increased student impact, a larger geographical reach and a reliable partner to execute specialised funder projects.
During the Covid 19 Lockdown and after, NIIT Foundation has tried to ensure that learning does not stop for anyone. NIIT Foundation has moved to online mode of providing training and courseware to students. This Online training and support has been made available to all our NGO partners and beneficiaries as well.
NIIT Foundation and its partners are striving to provide the best of skills and knowledge to our youth to make them self-sufficient. NIIT Foundation through the NReach program is being able to reach out to a large number of youth and create maximum impact. To partner with NIIT Foundation, click here to contact us